After the Henson Studios entrance area is Muppet Labs Park. The entire area is themed to an Industrial Park area, kinda how the area surrounding the Incredible Hulk coaster at Islands of Adventure is.
The area is rather small, but holds two of the park's headliner attractions.
Bunsen and Beaker's Robobattle is basically a dueling KUKA Arm attraction. And the two Muppet Scientists put you right in the middle of the action. Each controls a robotic, enlarged version of themselves in a fight to the death. But the robots go rogue and rampage through Muppet Studios. The finale involves a giant Beaker (thanks to Muppet Lab's Insta-Grow Pills) putting the robots in their place.
The queue for this attraction is a walk through of the expanded Muppet Labs. Various inventions from Bunsen line the walls. Also, many Robotic Muppets can be seen throughout the queue. There's the wind-up Kermit, Vendaface, the Robotic Magnetic Rabbit, and MAMMA:
There's also Muppets Inside 3D. This 3D attraction is based on a Muppets Computer game from the 1990's.
The story begins somewhat like Muppetvision 3D, where Bunsen is showing off his new computer technology. He accidentally digitizes all the Muppets, trapping them inside the computer. Guests then travel through the world of the computer alongside the Muppets as they try to set themselves free. As with most Muppet productions, the show will maintain elements of a parody. In this case, it'd obviously be a Tron parody.
Finally, Muppet Labs park brandishes an updated version of the roaming Muppet Mobile Labs attraction.
The area has the Muppet Labs Cafeteria, a counter service restaurant, and Beaker's Bites, a snack stand.
Next up, the largest area of the park: MuppetWood. This entire area is based off the Muppet Movie, with elements of other Muppet productions.
Movin' Right Along is a dark ride in the same vein as Mike and Sully to the Rescue, where guests ride alongside Kermit and Fozzie in their own Studebakers through the various environs seen in the Muppet Movie. There's the El Sleazo Cafe, Bogen County Fair, Doc Hoppers, the Electric Mayhem's Church, among other scenes. And all the while, the song Movin' Right Along plays along with dialogue from Kermit and Fozzie.
There's also Kermit's Swamp Adventure, where guests take a slow moving boat ride through Kermit's swamp. You'll encounter Kermit's family, alligators, Dom Deluise, and of course, a huge musical finale with Kermit singing Rainbow Connection with an epic Rainbow effect.
Miss Piggy's Limo Service is a parody of the failed Superstar Limo attraction from Disney's California Adventure, although a whole new ride within itself. Guests travel in a limo through Hollywood (all the while interacting with Miss Piggy via an in-car screen) on the way to a Muppet Movie premiere. The ride takes you through various Hollywood landmarks, featuring the Muppets. The Electric Mayhem is seen rocking out in front of the Chinese Theater, Gonzo is dangling from the Hollywood sign, Fozzie is lost at Hollywood and Vine, and Kermit is admiring his star (and Jim's) on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
The final attraction of MuppetWood is Muppet's Wizard of Oz. This attraction utilizes the same technology as the Amazing Adventures of Spiderman attraction at Islands of Adventure. It's in 3D, as has you zipping through Oz, encountering scenes and characters from the Movie. You'll see Munchkinland, the Witch's Castle, Poppyfield's, and the Emerald City.
Two restaurants can be found in this area: The El Sleazo Cafe, situated near Movin' Right Along, and Muppet Munchies, which is located over by Miss Piggy's Limo Service.
Next post: I'll introduce you to Treasure Island, Manhattan Street and London Square.
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